About us :

The website developer and shoppers team started about two years ago. It
is a team of a savy shoppers, programmer, a sound designer, and a
graphic artist to bring you best prices, coupons and deals.

Question: Who are you guys?

Answer: We are a non-profit group of people who wish to help
others find great deals! We have savvy shoppers on our team who
are searching for great deals out there. Our bloggers/shoppers are well known
shopper and are determined to bring you great deals.

Question: Why should I look here instead of the individual websites?

Answer: This website brings around fifty weekly ads and coupons website to
one place, making it easy to find deals quickly.

Question: What should I do if I want to contribute to this website?

Answer: If you wish to help out the the team by sending us great deals, our
users will definitely appreciate it, email us deals / suggestions at:

Contact :

Webmasters, please feel free to link this page. Send us an email if you want us to post a reciprocal link to your site.
email us at weeklycouponsndeals@gmail.com